Pioneer international students recruitment with ihecf fairs.

Your reliable paltform to connect with most promising students, parents, local universites & school

Your destinations for international student recruitment

connecting +30000 students from over 200 schools yearly










over 15 high quality events held in Middle East & Africa ihecf fairs bring you face to face with people.

Ihecf Saudi Arabia

November 2024

Ihecf Oman

November 2024

Ihecf Ethiopia

Feb/March 2025

Ihecf kenya

Feb/March 2025

Ihecf Tanzania

Feb/March 2025

Ihecf Zambia

Feb/March 2025

Ihecf Zimbabwe

Feb/March 2025

Ihecf Uganda

Feb/March 2025


We can provide you variety of solutions depending on your needs.

Eduction Fairs

Connecting +30000 students with over 200 international schools yearly! Edunial International Education Fairs has been organizing student fairs which many institution’s representatives gather to display their institution’s information such as brochures and international student application information. international student application information. Edunial International Education Fairs are an opportunity for prospective international students to speak directly with representatives of institutions and gather information on a variety of academic programs, including community colleges, language programs, undergraduate, and postgraduate studies.

Counsellor Meet

The Edunial Group consultant meet for its partner universities, providing a platform for educational consultants and university representatives to collaborate and strategize on improving student recruitment and academic programs. Key features of this meet included:
Strategic Discussions: Attendees engaged in discussions on market trends, recruitment strategies, and the evolving needs of students. These sessions aimed to align the goals of the universities with the expertise of the consultants to enhance student engagement and enrollment.
Workshops and Training: The event featured workshops on the latest in educational marketing, digital tools for student outreach, These sessions were designed to equip consultants with advanced skills and knowledge.

School Visit

Join us for the Exclusive Recruitment Tour, tailored for our Partner Universities, organized by Edunial Group. This targeted tour is designed to connect you with top-tier students aspiring to study in your country. Engage directly with prospective students through campus visits, presentations, and one-on-one interactions, showcasing the unique advantages of your university and academic programs. This strategic approach ensures that you attract motivated and talented individuals who are eager to embark on their educational journey abroad. Strengthen your recruitment efforts and secure the brightest candidates for your institution.

Market Research

Indian Higher Education & Career Fairs has been organizing fairs for students of all levels of studies for many years, covering a wide range of programs. IHECF Fairs targets, and primarily draws students who have met admission requirements, done their research and are ready to take their next step in education. With all the surveys and researches that we carry out, we give direction to the sector with reports and outputs that evaluate students’ career goals, future plans and demands for education abroad from many perspectives. Our participant’s satisfaction is highly important to us and we constantly improve ourselves for the best quality and customer satisfaction.

Why You Should Participate Our Events?

• Meet thousands of self-paying, qualified, and motivated prospective applicants who are looking for undergraduate, graduate, language studies, high school programs abroad.
• Connect with local and international universities, high schools, foundations, associations and embassies.
• Network with college and agency counsellors
• Gain increased visibility on IHECF and Edunial Group websites, printed materials, social media, and printed promotional materials.
• Full support for logistic and travel arrangements
• Design / Printing / Production support for the fair materials


You will not only have networking opportunities at our events, but also fun!


Feel Free To Connect With Us

Open Hours: 09:00 A.M. 18.00 P.M

We will get in touch with you asap.